Alzheimer ’s Disease and Dementia: The Need for Research Volunteers

As the number of people diagnosed with dementia increases, so too does the need for new and improved treatments and care techniques. But in order to discover and refine new treatments, we must identify and encourage participants willing to volunteer for research in a wide range of studies about Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and memory impairment.

DementiaToday recently posted an excellent article on clinical trials and studies related to Alzheimer’s disease. While there are a number of studies currently underway that involve medications, devices, and testing, it is important to point out that not all studies are invasive or experimental. Studies include a need for all people, and whether there is evidence or a history of Alzheimer’s disease or not, there is still much to learn and compare with what we “think is normal.”

A need exists for collaboration: university and company researchers, providers, acute care hospitals and long term care, partners and competitors, payers and practitioners, and individuals and families. All can and should come together and work to make a real difference. The next person touched by this disease could be one you know and love.