Innovative Custom Solutions

The Gilster Group: Innovative Custom Solutions

 No other disease process impacts an individual’s essential ability to function like memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.  Unlike hypertension, diabetes or congestive heart failure, there is no long-term effective treatment, cure or prevention for Alzheimer’s disease and many dementias.  And there are no specific measures to monitor disease progression or compliance with therapy.  Progression of the disease results in greater memory loss, decreased physical function and a need for continuous changes in treatment, medications, care and management.

Despite research on the high costs and distinctive needs of individuals with dementia, few organizations have taken steps to examine their experience or seek experts to create better, more cost-effective approaches.  Current practices in acute and other health care environments fall far short in addressing the common, characteristic requirements of this population.

A lack of knowledge about dementia, unrealistic expectations for compliance and a well-meaning but ineffective employee approach exacerbate problems in hospitals and other environments and, hence, expenses.  Simply telling individuals with dementia to stay in bed, take their medications, dress or eat their meals is fruitless.  It is not that they won’t – they can’t.

As veterans in dementia care, The Gilster Group will work with your organization to identify core problems – and fix them – using proven best practices in dementia care, refined during decades of experience.